Refund and Returns Policy


1.1 The Customer has the right to suspend the provision of the Services with the schedule of Consultations, subject to the following conditions:

1.1.1. The suspension of Consultations cannot be longer than 14 (fourteen) days;

1.1.2. At least ninety (90) days have passed since the end of the previous interruption;

1.1.3. at the time of the suspension (or immediately after the end of the last Consultation before the suspension) the Client has paid for at least five (5) future Consultations.

1.1.4. The Client shall notify the Contractor of the date and time of: the Last Consultation before suspension, the First Consultation after suspension.

1.2 If the Client needs to suspend the Services again, but less than 90 (ninety) days have passed since the previous suspension, the Client has the right to suspend the Services by notifying the Executor 24 hours before the next Consultation; in this case the Consultations reserved for the Client in the schedule of the Consultant are cancelled.

1.3 The Executor has the right to suspend Consultations at its discretion in case of public holidays at the Client’s place of residence or at the location of the Consultant, if the Executor notifies the Client about it in advance by e-mail, phone or message.


2.1 The Customer is entitled to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, by notifying the Executor in writing of his intention to terminate the Agreement and the reasons. The Executor within 10 (ten) working days will consider the question of refunding to the Customer the money paid by the Customer earlier in the amount equal to the cost of the Services not rendered by the Executor but with the condition that the Executor will retain the expenses incurred by it for the processing of payments and services.

2.2 In case of positive decision money will be returned by Executor within 5 (five) working days from the date of receiving by Executor from Client an application about returning according to. If there is a claim for quality of rendered Services, such claim is considered by Executor within 10 (ten) business days.

2.3 To get a refund, the Customer shall fill in an application for refund in the form provided by the Executor, sign it and send its electronic copy together with the electronic copy of the first page of the Customer’s ID.

2.4 If the Client decides to resume the Consultations after the termination of the Agreement, the cost of the Consultations shall be determined according to the prices in effect at the time of the resumption or at the discretion of the Executor.